Driving to Domaine de Sébirol by car from Brussels takes just over 9 hours.
We recommend to come via Paris. This is the fastest and shortest route. Keep in mind that you have to pay a toll on this route and that you can experience traffic on the ring around Paris in the morning as well as in the evening. To avoid this traffic jam you can use your GPS that leads you around the traffic jam but we think it is more efficient to make sure you cross Paris at hours that it is not rush hour.
You can also get there by train (hire car recommended!). Since there is no direct train you are on the road for a few hours (6 to 10 hours). The trains always leave from Brussels South station, after which there are several options to travel to France.
There are also a lot of possibilities with the plane. All direct flights last about 1h30. The airport Toulouse and Bergerac are the closest to the house (about an hour's drive). For cheaper tickets, look for flights departing from the Netherlands or Germany. We recommend renting a car at the airport.